PRESSOL, lubrication and oil equipment
Based on there comprehensive range of standard products Pressol offer a customer-oriented solution meeting almost any lubrication requirement of there customers.
A various product range is available in Lubrication equipment, garage equipment, diesel pumps and systems. Grease Guns, Grease nipples in all forms and material choises, hydraulic couplers, button head couplers etc., also available in assorti-boxes. High pressure hydraulic mouth pieces for all types of grease nipples, industrial grease guns, battery powered grease guns, pneumatic grease guns en special guns for oil and liquid greases, high pressure delivery hoses fitted with or without a mouth piece, high pressure pneumatic grease pump systems, manual grease pumps en pneumatic oil delivery systems. Pneumatic heavy duty grease guns, oilers, funnels en measures and many other high quality Pressol products.
Gloria Oil Resistant Pressure Sprayers
A professional range of industrial pressure sprayers, all oil resistant. The GLORIA Profiline hand sprayers meet the high demands of the industry and are popular assistants in the most diverse industry sectors. The larger GLORIA high-performance sprayers made of robust steel or stainless steel offer a wide range of equipment features and helpful detailed solutions. Depending on the capacity, the 5 or 10 litre models offer maximum quality, safety and comfort for every application.
Perma-tec GmbH & Co. KG 
The name perma stands for innovative and creative solutions in lubrication technology. Single- and multi-point lubrication systems from perma-tec can be found in all types of industries and applications everywhere in the world. perma-tec is the innovative leader of single-point lubrication systems and supplies more single-point lubrication systems than any other manufacturer worldwide. RMN offers the innovative perma-tec Single Point lubrication systems for oil and grease lubrication and the complete range of accessories as well. Perma Classic and Perma Futura are activated by the special Perma Colour Coded Activator Screws. Depending on your application’s requirement, you may choose to discharge 120 cm³ in a period of 1, 3, 6 or 12 months by using the right colour screw. Perma Flex is equiped with an activator dial on top of the unit. Discharge period setting is flexible and can be adjusted from 1-12 months using the dial on top of the lubricator. Perma Nova is equiped with a digital control unit. The discharge period (1-12 months) can be easily programmed by pushing the SET-button on the NOVA control unit. The control unit is reusable. All Perma units are with Ex-Proof certification. Choice of 9 different types of grease and 5 different types of oil ensures that perma meet your lubrication requirements.