
Sealite Solar Barge Lights

RMN secured a large PO for Sealite Bargesafe 3NM Solar Barge lights The last quarter of 2020 received RMN a … Read more

RMN Newsletter Winter Edition

Goodbye to 2020 welcome 2021 This year 2020 was not like other years. With the global COVID-19 Pandemic it was … Read more

COVID-19 Lockdown news

COVID-19 LOCKDOWN PROTOCOL As many other European Countries also the Netherlands went into a lockdown due to the increasing infections … Read more

Wencon Protection of a new welding seam

How to protect a new welding seam in a grey water tank With Wencon UW Coating it is possible to … Read more

doublepower!! DAY LED warehouse project

doublepower!! DAY LED warehouse project RMN supplied to it’s dealer GECAP ELECTRO the high performance doublepower!! DAY LED Linear Luminaires … Read more